Cemetery plot prices near me For example, a waterside burial plot will cost more than a plot near a highway. They cost an average of $525 to $2,500. In densely populated urban areas where land is limited, plot prices are typically higher compared to rural locations. Adult Burials Cemetery gates open every day from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM . The 4 plots are located in the original section of the cemetery located near a large tree in the Garden of Everlasting Life section. ph Burial plot. Cemeteries offer a range of plot sizes, including single, double, and family plots, each commanding a different price point. A Guide to Sydney's Cemeteries in 2022. Interment of a casket (weekdays before 3 p. Purchasing from us now rather than through a Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 6800 South 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68512. Cemetery plots can be expensive, especially in metropolitan areas. Office Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Saturdays . The prices for cemetery burial generally break down into the following items and price ranges: Plot. Abington : Mount Vernon Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Abington (1) : Amherst : Wildwood Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Amherst (1) : Andover : Sacred Heart Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Andover (1) : Attleboro : St. 00 Lawn - Double Depth (includes head stone) (+ internment fee) $10,939. Cemeteries Burial plot. 59 $208. We will guide and help you choose the right option for your loved ones. Cemetery Name: Type: Property Type: Price: Agnes Patterson Memorial Park Newton, IA: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee: Ankeny Memorial Gardens Ankeny, IA: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: Over the last 25 years, we have sold over 10,000 properties and saved buyers millions every year off current retail cemetery prices. Alexandria, KY: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee: Annie E. ) $950: Interment of a casket (Saturday) Our cemeteries work to offer burial options to meet every budget, including a no-cost cremation interment option in our St. Burial Services Crematorium List of Cemeteries Required Documents Price: $586. The article points out that in the historical section of the Forest Hills Cemetery plots start at $20,000. Memorial Oaks Funeral Home and Cemetery 13001 Katy Fwy Houston, Texas 77079 All prices on this page do not include the cost of placement/interment, plaque or monumentation, and are also inclusive of GST. Some examples of The price of a cemetery plot can vary. 42 Description: Move Flat Marker (reset flush with ground) Price: $353. 00. Attend online. The size and features of a burial plot can significantly influence its cost. A single plot in a private cemetery averages out from $2000-$5000, sometimes skyrocketing much higher than that in urban areas. 00 for a grave, while burial plots in other Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in illinois, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. 8%. Listing ID: 17-1106-2 Property Type: Mausoleum Crypt - Interior Quantity: (2) Side by Side - Companion This property verified as available as of 04/04/2019 Burial plot costs in Philadelphia vary greatly depending on the specific cemetery. Our caring team, exceptional facilities, and serene environment make us the ideal choice for those seeking a final Johannesburg, Gauteng locations for cemeteries. We monitor burial plot values to help you price your listing effectively. Smaller spaces for urns are less expensive, costing about $350 to Some inner-city councils, such as the Greenwich council, charge up to £2000 for residents and £8000 for non-residents for the exclusive use of a plot with a memorial plaque. 8151 42nd Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 (763 Decoration Of Memorial Plots; Office & Grounds Hours; Olivewood Memorial Park Rules & Regulations; Price List; Cemetery Resources; Take A Virtual Tour; Types Of Interment; Headstone Information. How does GMCT set its prices? In Victoria, the prices for cemetery plots and services are regulated by the State Government, and they increase by a certain percentage every year. The Crypt is located near the front of the Cemetery. Most, but not East Lawn Cemetery - Elk Grove 9189 East Stockton Boulevard Elk Grove, California 95624 Alexander-White-Mullen Funeral Home and Mt Lebanon Cemetery 11101 Saint Charles Rock Road St Ann, Missouri 63074 Phoenix AZ Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. Additional Costs to Consider. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Prices vary greatly depending on the kind of property, the location of the cemetery and the location of the property within the cemetery. Prices for child graves are, on average, about a quarter of the adult price and ash plots average around £450. For example certain sections in the Round Hill Cemetery in Elizabeth, Pa, located about 19 miles south of Pittsburgh cost $500. Gravesolutions. Purchase Date for Flower Planting: Single Planting: Double Planting: Cross-Over Planting: Flower planting purchased BEFORE April 30th, 2025: Cost of a Plot is the sum of the individual costs of the total cost of the Lots (cost plus care and maintenance) for all of the lots in the plot. Foundation fee Prices Muchwood offers full plots for normal burials, half grave plots for ash interments or baby burials and scattering of ashes in our designated area. Public cemetery plots are best for those with small budgets. By comparing prices, you can find a plot that offers good value for money without compromising on quality. 2. In accordance with state law, these prices have been set and approved by the State Cemetery Board. Alderson : Alderson Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Alderson (1) : Ansted : Restlawn Memorial Garden - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Ansted (1) : Ansted : Restlawn Memory Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Ansted (1) : Barboursville : White Chapel Memorial Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale The purchase of a cemetery plot involves many different considerations besides cost. Cost. Burial plot prices: Long-lane Section price: $2,200 per individual plot College Drive Section price: $2,600 per individual plot (2 plots per sale minimum) Burial plot sizes: All individual burial plots at Oakland Cemetery measure 5 feet wide by 10 feet long (50 square feet). Additional interments are subject to a reopen fee. Our staff does not work on commission. The best way to know for sure is to ask the local Pet Aftercare professionals in your community. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Bexar County, Texas. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Package Prices: The cemetery offers several burial packages as described on our packages page. Buy for thousands less than at local cemeteries. CEMETERY. You may also need to pay a burial permit fee, which is usually issued by the city or county where you live. You can control your options and shop around without leaving the The cost of a burial plot is a third-party fee that’s added to the total bill when you arrange a funeral. info@elmhurstcemetery. Café Vita et flores. 00 # Plots Sold 104. The You can check out their pricelist for prices of all of the burial plots. Where can I find cemetery plots for sale near me? Maximize Your Plot's Sale Value. Facebook. Burial Options. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Buy and sell cemetery lots, burial plots, and mausoleums on Gravesolutions. Public Burial Plot for Cremated Remains. $1450 (Full Graves) Oakwood Hills. Look for both public and private options in your desired location. A single plot contains the remains of one person in a single casket. A burial plot can run anywhere between $200 and $2,000 in a public cemetery, and between $2,000 and $5,000 in a private cemetery. We manage three cemeteries across the city offering pleasant and cost effective burial and ash memorial sites. $850 (For cremated remains only) Oakwood Garden . Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo offers a variety of burial options that will suit your individual needs. Single burial plots are cheaper than plots purchased for multiple caskets. However, as of 2023, the average price for a single plot in a public cemetery is between $200 and $2, 000. The same single plot in a public cemetery averages out from $200-$2000, depending on whether you live in an urban or a rural area. Cemetery plots are also exempt from GST when purchased directly from a cemetery trust, but will attract GST when purchased from a funeral director. The side by side crypts 43 and 44 Tier Buy and sell cemetery lots, burial plots, and mausoleums on Gravesolutions. 00 Monumental - Double Depth (+ internment fee) $10,128. Enclosed Plots - Additional 50% of basic Lawn Plan Endowment : By estimate only - Minimum Endowment : $27,819. They are in LOT 29, section 13, and are spaces 4, 5, 6, and 10. Arrangements must be made with the cemetery office as soon as possible so that the cemetery can best accommodate you. Average Price $5,925. Locate the name of the cemetery from which you want to unsubscribe. Listing Specifications - Available for Immediate Need No other merchandise, services, or fees included The cemetery list price for this unit Prices vary based on the location of the pet cemetery. For a Burial plot, expect to pay between R5000 and R20,000. Help Menu Upcoming services Deceased search Visit. Price & Sale History # Plots Tracked 657. Home; About Us; The low end of these cemetery plot prices is taking into account public cemeteries vs. Cemetery Price List These prices are effective April 1, 2024 and are subject to change without notice. Attend in person. Asking $2,200 for all 4. The location of the cemetery, whether it meets the requirements of your family’s religion, and the particular rules and requirements of the cemetery are important, as well. Click the "X" button next to the name of the cemetery you wish to unsubscribe from. 0 cemeteries found. Family Estates – same At Icebolethu’s Memorial Hill Private Cemetery, we honor the privilege of helping you find a peaceful and secure sanctuary. The price depends on the cemetery location, plot size, maintenance fees, etc. Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. When you list your The list price on these plots is $3800 each. In general, private cemeteries are more expensive than public cemeteries. There are a few ways to save money on a cemetery plot, such as shopping around, considering Rural Cemeteries. 86 $400. Peter’s Cemetery and Mount Hope Cemetery: The following crypt prices include Perpetual Care. Our built-in seller tools, free guides, and will help you sell faster. Home; Photo Gallery; Price List; RULES & REGULATIONS; Price List - Effective AS OF february 1, 2025. For example, in Manitoba, a traditional burial averages about $7,000 to $10,000, while in Ontario, prices can range from $1,500 to $20,000. Price Lists. If you have any questions, please call us at (651) 228-9991. Single plots are the most common, providing a burial space for one individual. Home Cemeteries The City of Tshwane provides burial space at municipal cemeteries in various regions and a crematorium service at its crematorium in Pretoria West. Our caring staff of cemetery professionals are Infant Burial Plot Interment Rite Our price lists (below) can get you started, but because we follow Federal Trade Commission standards, the lists include a lot of detail and terminology that aren’t always self-explanatory. Disposal of Burial Boxes by Cemetery (wood, metal or concrete) $500. General Memorial – traditional graves which can accommodate up to three burials. $1,350 - $1,700 This is unacceptable - the plots coast more than the highest price real estate on the East Side of NYC. Johns Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Restland Funeral Home and Cemetery located in Dallas, Texas. 00 Lawn - Single Depth (includes head stone) (+ internment fee) $9,663. The space is located near the entrance for easy visitation accessibility. Please contact Dominic at 734-776-4673. Pre-planning . $1500-$2500Mausoleum crypt$4500-$8500Endowment care$150-$250Burial vault or grave liner$500-$2500Opening and closing$1000-$1500Headstone or grave marker$500-$4000Installation of headstone or grave marker$450-$850TOTAL Greenwood Cemetery - - - - 1030 Greenwood Dr. 3. Services charges effective August 1st, 2024. – 4 p. If you need immediate assistance, get a price quote in your community: Search Pet Aftercare Near Me | URGENT – Request for Price Quote. Email Us: info@sunset-memorial. In some areas, cemetery plots can be very expensive, while in other areas, they may be more affordable. Burial plots for children and cremated remains are a lot cheaper than standard plots. Talk with your local pet cemeteries to prices in your are. Price Low $1,000. 753 Front Ave Saint Paul, MN 55103 (651) 488-8866. 24 $308. The plots are located in one of the most sought after areas of the park. Additionally, the cemetery's location will influence the total price of the plots. Please start putting the beauty back into the cemetery. GRAVE PRICES Apply to all denominations, including Muslim and Jewish Cemeteries/Allotments. Companion plots Alamosa : Alamosa Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Alamosa (1) : Arvada : Arvada Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Arvada (1) : Aurora : Eastlawn Memorial Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Aurora (5) : Aurora : Mount Nebo Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale A. private cemeteries. Prices of graves, plots and niches are furnished upon request. Plots for the burial of infants or children generally cost less. Additional costs may Additional Right of Burial - 50% of current Grave Price Vaults $589 to $1,239 Urns $169 to $2,289 NOTE: Specific price lists will be provided at cemetery. N/A N/A y N/A N/A N/A 1. Hope Cemetery (Administrative Headquarters) 355 Walk Hill St. GENERAL CEMETERY SCHEDULE & FEES. Get quotes The same is true when searching for cemetery plots for sale. Listing Specifications East End Gallery. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Price ranges are a composite of all cemeteries and subject to availability. All prices apply to both cemetery locations. P: 905-335-7765 2025 Rates and Fees cemetery@burlington. Prices are subject to change without notice. Burial plots are, unfortunately, just the beginning when it Price Lists We provide caring and knowledgeable Family Counsellors and Funeral Directors to help you make the decisions best suited to your needs in a compassionate and non-pressured manner. 79 $3,483. To get an accurate estimate of cemetery plot prices, it’s essential to research specific cemeteries and compare their pricing structures. 14 $2,678. 00: Entombments; Opening of single/tandem shutter: Plot Marker – 3’ x 0” – 5’ x 0” x 1’6” Price per square foot is to be determined (site only). Would prefer to sell plots together. Roseland Park Cemetery Berkely, MI : I have 4 cemetery plots for sale in the beautiful and peaceful Roseland Park Cemetery in Berkely, MI. Brighton, MA 02135 617-635-7359 Fax: 617-635-7234 Office Hours Monday through Friday: 8 a. Exact hours are posted in the park based on time of season. The price for a burial plot in Pittsburgh cemeteries is based on the type of plot, which section of the cemetery the plot is located and the number of plots purchased. com. Lot prices are broken down as Mt. Maple Hill Cemetery requires 24-hours advance notice on grave openings. Fife Council is responsible for 115 cemeteries and churchyards in Fife. Hyde Park, MA 02136 617-635-7360 Fax: 617-635-7252 Evergreen Cemetery 2060 Commonwealth Ave. This fee generally includes the plot itself and may include perpetual care fees. You can read more about the differences between private and public cemeteries for more. Half grave - Oakwood Garden. It’s important to understand that grave opening and closing fees are not included in the price of a cemetery plot, nor are they automatically included in most prepaid burial plans. Tell Us More. Young Cemetery Pikeville, KY: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: In Victoria, the prices for cemetery plots and services is regulated by the State Government, and they increase by a certain percentage every year. Cemetery plot prices can vary widely depending on the Full Price List at Cedar Grove Cemetery. Each grave plot is for a single burial only and the position of the plots are allocated by Muchwood unless chosen by Cost for the cemetery to open a plot for a burial and close it after the fact. View resting places, research plots, search and filter. Fences and verges around headstones or graves can cause many problems for maintenance and need to be removed when adjacent graves or the Cemetery Price Breakdown. Within 5 miles of your location. Joseph of Arimathea crypts located in Christ our Light and Ascension Garden Mausoleums for those lacking funds for burial. 82 Description: Installation of Flat Marker Price: $425. 08 $677. Burials are not permitted on City-recognized holidays. When planning for a burial, it’s important to account for more than just the plot price. The park is open 365 days a year typically dawn to dusk. We can also Take you on a tour of the cemetery; Negotiate a fair price for the plot; Assist you with the paperwork Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Arkansas. There are no monthly maintenance levies charged. Cemetery gates are open every day, including Burial Plots: (Excluding Tombstones) Price; Full Memorial (Full Tombstone) R 52 000: Child Grave (Under 5 years) R 23 000: Re-opening Fee: R 4 500: Estates Price; Bronze Estate (2 Plot Estate) R 129 000: Silver Estate (4 Plot Estate) R Buy and sell cemetery lots, burial plots, and mausoleums on Gravesolutions. For sellers, we take care of the 'How do I sell my cemetery property?' details for you, and for buyers, we have access to the lowest priced graves in the Bay Area offering you the best value. 64 $94. Very firm on price. The cost of Exclusive Right of Burial in a burial plot is often not covered by a funeral plan, because the prices can change regularly. Generally, grave prices range from $18,000 to $20,000 each, dependent upon location and availability. Depending on the package chosen, the price will range from $1300-$6600. Non-residents often pay higher fees for a grave than residents of the local council. Rural cemeteries like Meadowvale Cemetery near Toronto or Hawthorn-Dale Cemetery near Montreal offer more affordable options, with grave prices generally ranging from $2,500 to $6,000. 46 Upright Marker Lots $2,202. Within 5 kilometers of your location. Public Cemetery Plot. Gain Access to Interested Buyers. Joshua Tree Memorial Park has provided a place to honor the accomplishments and legacies of the High Desert communities since 1968. . 81 Children's Lots $521. All prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Upcoming Services. 93 $825. Plot Size and Features: How They Impact Your Expenses. Free Section: Regrettably, the Free Section or “Potter’s Field Cemetery Plot: this is a double depth (companion) space-can accommodate either; two caskets, one casket and an urn or two urns. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Ohio. com, the national database of cemetery property. CONTACT US. With the Catholic cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, you can purchase space now at one of 10 of the 12 cemeteries, and lock in today's prices, no matter how high they climb in the future. Affidavit, Quit Claim, Conveyance & Consent, A veteran might have appreciated a place near fellow service members. Ground Burials - Grave Spaces. 00: Grave Opening Price The cost of a cemetery plot depends heavily on the location and local real estate market. m. ) $850: Interment of a casket (weekdays after 3 p. Two ways that they have done that is stopped selling pre-need spaces and raised prices. Exploring the Role of Food in Funerals Around the World February 18, 2025 Options for Financing a Funeral January 24, 2025 Ideas for Honouring a Loved One’s Legacy December 19, 2024 Here are some strategies to help you find a burial plot that fits your budget: Compare Prices Research and compare burial plot prices from different cemeteries. Skip to content. This simple and straightforward guide can help make a difficult decision much easier. Maps and Directions to Our Locations. 00 When buying a cemetery plot, it’s essential to consider some essential factors in buying cemetery plots the following: 1. Price: Alexandria Cemetery Co. These fees usually run between about $1,500 and $2,300, and they apply to different types of cemetery property , even if the burial is aboveground, like in a Wall Cremation Lots (3’ x 3’) located around the inner/outer wall of Stoney Ridge: $7,425 Bronze Memorial Plaque 16” x 24”: $2,500; Bronze Memorial Plaque 18” x 24”: $2,800; Traditional Lot Prices – St. Prices are valid as of 1 July 2023. Burial Options Price Range: Full Sized Burial (outdoor options) Traditional Graves – $830 Our price lists are updated frequently and include the most recent prices for our services. Additional interment specific terms and conditions apply. Events Calendar. 16 $880. 16 Manasota Burial Park 1221 53rd Ave East Bradenton, Florida 34203 cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. 00 Description: Move Upright Monument on Bonney Watson - Federal Way 1535 SW Dash Point Road Federal Way, Washington 98023 4 adjacent cemetery plots located in the picturesque Hillsboro Memorial Gardens. You can also get in touch with a cemetery directly to find out more about the process. ca Plots - Includes 40% care and maintenance Cost Care and Maintenance HST 13% Total Flat Marker Lots $1,693. A plot in a cemetery in 3. Prices of crypts, lots, Single Plot. Many burial sites are also able to accept the placement Find out more about our fees and prices for cemetery services at our locations across Melbourne. Phone Number: 505-345-3536. Regular maintenance is carried out in them all and there are 62 cemeteries where interments (burials) still take place regularly. Furthermore, the presence of unique features and amenities within a cemetery, such as Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery Woodlawn Cemetery. Visit. Price High $47,950. Price List (PDF) Click here to download. 0 cemeteries found in Durban, KwaZulu Natal. The dimensions are the same as in the Bern Section. Step 4: Unsubscribe from the Cemetery 1. 951-683-6611. Although the cost may be more than plots in public cemeteries, the investment is worthwhile. What determines pet cemetery costs and prices for the From 1 July 2024, GMCT’s product and service prices will increase in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase applied at the Government set level of 3. Type of Plot: Choices include single spaces, side-by-side plots, double-depth plots, or specialized plots like family plots. Sell faster through the Internet. Cemeteries Burial Plot Prices * subject to change without notice Rookwood Cemetery Monumental - Single Depth (+ internment fee) $8,947. Search for: Memorials. Directions. These packages are designed to be convenient and cost effective. 00 Description: Installation of In ground Vase Price: $128. But Secure Your Legacy can help you find an affordable plot in ,Missouri City, Houston, or Sugar Land, TX or a surrounding area. Sell Plot; Buy Plot; List Plot Pricing Info. HOURS OF OPERATION. West Terrace Burial Options Adelaide Cemeteries offers a range of burial options across four distinctly different cemeteries. SB Surcharge on Saturday Burials A surcharge of 25% is charged for Saturday burials, surcharge of 50% on Sundays and Public Holidays, rounded to the nearest rand, as an incentive to encourage burials during the week. 924 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107. How do cemetery plot prices vary by province in Canada? Cemetery plot prices can differ by province in Canada. R5000 – R20,000; Purchasing a burial plot involves securing a gravesite in a cemetery. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Orange County, California. Sell on Auto-Pilot. GETHSEMANE CEMETERY. Looking for a burial site in Sydney? Discover the cemeteries still offering burial plots, the locations nearest to you and find the perfect place to lay family members to rest. Next to the name of the cemetery, you will find an "X" button or a similar symbol indicating the option to unsubscribe. maintained and very peaceful According to Funeralwise, an online resource for planning funerals, the average price of a burial plot ranges between $1,000 and $4,500. You can rest assured that Memorial Garden’s private cemetery in Johannesburg will remain around All prices include opening and closing fees (1 st interment only). Mattapan, MA 02126 617-635-7361 Fax: 617-635-7367 Fairview Cemetery 45 Fairview Ave. The cost of a burial plot will depend on the location and the type of burial plot you want. View resting places, research plots, search and filter The cost of a burial plot can vary depending on the location of the cemetery. Traditional in-ground cemetery plots are commonly thought of when it comes to burial options, but there are other types of properties for both cremations and casket burials that fall within a variety of price points. The most common type of plot in cemeteries is a single plot. / / , ). At Mount Auburn Cemetery the most expensive plot for sale lists for $350,000 and the “routine” plots go for between $4,000 and $6,500. com database is updated daily. Seller Cemetery Map. 58. trhh kfsphn xtrn zwp gkkvwg duyem vyej glca qnpr xgrfvryf jydu dktv zjuzp eqwsrfqr ndsa